Welcome Message

On behalf of the Faculty of Dental Medicine at the University of Lisbon (FMDUL) and its staff I welcome you to the UICOB Research Unit. UICOB which means Unidade de Investigação em Ciências Orais e Biomédicas (Oral and Biomedical Research Unit) is a newly formed research unit at FMDUL. However, and albeit being recently founded, it aggregates experienced researchers from every department at the Faculty and has an important number of links with major stakeholders within the field of biomedical research worldwide with great emphasis on oral sciences.

The Faculty is integrated in the biggest Portuguese University (University of Lisbon) and is the oldest dental school in Portugal. It has unique features such as holding courses in all areas of the dental field. Highly dynamic in both research and teaching activities the Faculty is presently placed at the top of national Faculties whereas Portuguese and Shanghai rankings are concerned.

So, building on historical standards of excellence, our objective is to foster competitive and innovative research in every domain of oral sciences, from the lab bench to the patient chairside, in a marked translational perspective. We seek oral research solutions highly applicable from a patient centered perspective, which can bring improved quality of life to the community in which we are inserted and with whom we interact on a daily basis though our University Medical Centers.

Last but not least UICOB strives for an inclusive collaboration with staff and students and is meant to hub in its activities graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral students, not only from its own programs but also fostering considerable collaborative internationalization efforts, with the goal of helping them to achieve personal, professional and institutional aspirations and development.

With an ever-growing scientific output, we believe ourselves to be well placed to face the uprising modern societal and medical challenges such as precision medicine, digital healthcare and healthy ageing to name a few, always considering that oral diseases are amongst the most prevalent non-communicable diseases with major impact on general health.

Finally, we hope to do so never forgetting as a strong national institution our mission values of ethics, integrity, and human respect.

 I encourage you all to browse though our website and know more about us.

Looking forward to hear from you

António Mata DDS, PhD, FICD

UICOB Coordinator
